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The Geological Society of Zimbabwe was founded in 1981. From 1962 the Society existed as a branch of the Geological Society of South Africa. In 1981 an historic resolution for the formation of the Society was passed.

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The A.M. Macgregor Memorial Lectureship

The A.M. Macgregor Memorial Lectureship

1985 - J.F. Wilson - "A Craton and its Cracks"
1987 - A.C. Colvine - "Genetic Models in Gold Exploration"
1992 - K.A. Eriksson - "Crustal Growth, Surface Processes and Atmospheric Evolution of the Early Earth"
1994 - R.G. Park - "Early Proterozoic Plate Tectonics - An Analogue for the Archaean?"
1998 - E.G. Nisbet - "The influence of life on the face of the Earth"    
2000 - M.J. de Wit - "Old rocks act lies:  that's why it is so difficult to reconstruct what Earth looked like long ago"

The Keith Viewing Award

The Keith Viewing Award for the best presentation at the Summer Symposium

2008 - M. Kellow
2009 - H. Gumbo
2010 - No Award Made – ZGS Centenary Symposium
2011 - P. Bourhill & H. Gumbo
2012 - D. Mapundu
2013 - L. Chimuka
2014 - F. Chikwiri

The Mike Vinyu Award

The Mike Vinyu Award for the best Geology student at the Bulawayo School of Mines.

2003 - Not Announced
2004 - Not Announced
2005 - M. Dube
2006 - Not Announced
2007 - D. Chamunorwa
2008 - Not Announced    
2009 - L. Chiyamuchiko
2010 - W. Chipangamate
2011 - L. Poterai
2012 - L. Chiteshe
2013 - S.S. Masendeke
2014 - N.N. Chitsa

The Geoffrey Bond Award

The Geoffrey Bond Award is to the Geology Honours student who presents the best project report in the year preceding an Annual General Meeting.  The nomination is made by the Chairman of the Geology Department of the University of Zimbabwe.
(Previously the Macgregor Medal had been awarded by the Geology Department)

A.E. Phaup Award

Recipients of the A.E. Phaup Award for an author or authors who have made an important contribution, in any one year, to the geology of Zimbabwe by publication of a paper in a recognised scientific publication

A Record of Conferences, Symposia, Workshops and Short Courses

The Seventh Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress
Mon, 01/05/1961

Involving the IMM Southern and Northern Rhodesia Sections and IMM South Africa.  A special Federal stamp issue was printed.  The Hon. Sir George Davenport, Minister of Mines was Regional Vice-President of the IMM for southern Africa.

Pegmatites in Southern Rhodesia - A Symposium
Thu, 22/11/1962

The Southern Rhodesia Section of the IMM with the S.R. Branch of the Geological Society of South Africa. Held at UCRN, Salisbury.  Opening address by C.J. Hatty, Minister of Mines.

The Geological Society of South Africa, Seventh Annual Congress, Salisbury
Wed, 01/07/1964

Held at UCRN with 139 delegates from 10 countries.  Dr J. de Villiers was President of GSSA.  The Opening Ceremony was addressed by Dr W. Adams, Principal of UCRN and Dr F.L. Amm, geologist and Secretary for Mines.

Symposium on the Rhodesian Basement Complex
Mon, 02/10/1967

Geological Society of South Africa (Rhodesian Branch).  Held at the Ranche House College, Salisbury.  The proceedings were edited as an annex to Vol. 71, Trans. geol. Soc. S.Afr.     Convener:  A.E. Phaup

Symposium on Granites, Gneisses and Related Rock "Granite '71"
Mon, 30/08/1971

Geological Society of South Africa (Rhodesian Branch).  Held at the University of Rhodesia with +200 delegates, the presentation of +57 papers and pre- and post conference field trips.  A set of commemorative stamps was issued.  Symposium Committee - A.E. Phaup, E.R. Morrison, J.F. Wilson.  Prof. Geoffrey Bond was President of GSSA for 1971.  L.A. Lister edited the proceedings as Geol. Soc. S. Afr. Spec. Publ. 3 (1973).

A Symposium on Mineral Deposits and the Transportation and Deposition of Metals "Metallogenesis '76"
Mon, 30/08/1976

Geological Society of South Africa (Rhodesian Branch).  Organising Secretary - N.M. Harrison.  Published as Geol. Soc. S. Afr. Spec. Publ. 5 (1979), edited by C.R. Anhausser, R.P. Foster and T. Stratten.

Colloquium on the Salisbury-Enterprise Gold Belt
Thu, 28/09/1978

Geological Society of South Africa (Rhodesian Branch).  Organising Secretary - V.R. Stocklmayer.  Included a visit to the Arcturus Mine.

Belingwe Belt Field Workshop
Mon, 01/09/1980

Organised by A. Martin and J.L. Orpen with E.G. Nisbet and M.J. Bickle.  Invited guests from South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.  "The Geology of the Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe:  A Study of the Evolution of Archaean Continental Crust", edited M.J. Bickle and E.G. Nisbet with A. Martin and J.L. Orpen was published as Geol. Soc. Zim. Spec. Publ. 2 in 1993 by A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam

Workshop on the Geology of and Exploration for Ni Sulphide and Pt Deposits
Mon, 20/07/1981

IGCP Project 161.  Presented by A.J. Naldrett at the IMR, University of Zimbabwe

GOLD '82: The Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Gold Deposits.
Mon, 24/05/1982

Geological Society of Zimbabwe.  Organising Secretary - R.P. Foster.  Chairman - J.G. Urie.  +200 delegates from 28 countries with 40 papers and pre- and post-conference tours.  Published as Geol. Soc. Zim., Spec. Publ.  1 (1984) by Balkema, Rotterdam and edited by R.P. Foster.  Opened by the Hon. Maurice Nyagumbo, Minister of Mines.  Opening address by D.A. Etheridge on  "The International Role of Gold".

COAL '84 Workshop
Mon, 13/02/1984

Geological Society of Zimbabwe.  Held at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare, with a trade exhibition and a visit to Wankie Colliery.  Organising Committee:  J.L. Orpen and T.J. Broderick with K.B. Duguid and L.E. Willey.  Inaugural Address by E.R. Morrison.  Opened by the Vice Chancellor, Walter Kamba and the Deputy Minister of Mines.  Invited speakers from South Africa, Germany, the UK and Zimbabwe in all aspects of the coal mining industry.

Fifth Magmatic Sulphides Field Conference
Mon, 03/08/1987

Geological Society of Zimbabwe        IGCP Project 161
Chairman: J.D. Kramers.  Organising Committee:  M. Prendergast, A. Martin and A.H. Wilson.  Proceedings published by Inst. Ming Metall., London as "Magmatic Sulphides - The Harare Conference", edited by M.D. Prendergast and M. Jones.  

APT '89 - A Field Conference on the Archaean-Proterozoic Transition
Mon, 11/09/1989

IGCP Project  217
Geological Society of Zimbabwe with IUGS and UNESCO.  Organising Secretary:  J.D. Kramers.  

North Limpopo Field Workshop
Mon, 21/09/1992

Organised by T.G. Blenkinsop and H. Rollinson, Geology Department, University of Zimbabwe with sponsorship from the Geological Society of Zimbabwe and others.

Sub-Saharan Economic Geology
Tue, 21/09/1993

Geological Society of Zimbabwe and the Geology Department, University of Zimbabwe.  Organisers: P. Tromp and T.G. Blenkinsop.  Published as Geol. Soc. Zim., Spec Publ. 3, by Balkema, Rotterdam.  Edited by T.G. Blenkinsop and P. Tromp.

Conference on Intraplate Magmatism and Tectonics of southern Africa
Wed, 10/09/1997

Geology Department, University of Zimbabwe and the Geological Society of Zimbabwe.  Held at the Conference Centre, Sheraton Hotel, Harare with workshops on Geoscience Education and Remote Sensing to be adopted as the 17th Colloquium of African Geology.  Organised by P. Dirks and H. Jelsma.

A Hundred Years of Geological Endeavour - The Past is the Key to the Future.
Thu, 21/10/2010

An international symposium hosted by the Geological Society of Zimbabwe in association with the Zimbabwe Geological Survey to commemorate the centennial anniversary of establishment of the ZGS, including a three-day field excursion to the Belingwe Greenstone Belt and the Great Dyke led by Tony Martin.  Organizing sub-committee, A. du Toit and T.J. Broderick, assisted by Lesley Frost.

International Summer Symposium at the Victoria Falls
Thu, 28/11/2013

Hosted by the Geological Society of Zimbabwe with a pre-Symposium Field Trip around the Victoria Falls by Dr Andy Moore, and a post-Symposium trip to the Kamativi Inlier led by Dr Sharad Master.  Organized by Andrew du Toit.

Andy Moore
Fri, 27/06/2014

How Makgadikgadi Palaeo-lakes made the Victoria Falls

Talk - Wolfgang Maier - "Magmatic PGE-Cr-V-Ni-Cu ore deposits: global distribution and petrogenesis"
Fri, 19/09/2014

Magmatic PGE-Cr-V-Ni-Cu ore deposits: global distribution and petrogenesis

At 5pm at the Geology Department at the University of Zimbabwe

Talk - Martin Straßburger - "Pre-colonial Gold Mining in Zimbabwe: A mining archaeological view"
Fri, 26/09/2014

5pm at the Geology Department at University of Zimbabwe

"Ancient gold mining has been associated with Zimbabwe since the beginning of recorded history in southern Africa" (Huffman 1974). Open cuts, underground workings on the quartz reefs and especially features connected to the exploitation of secondary deposits give evidence of vigorous mining activities. In Zimbabwe's Nyanga mountains countless surface features comprising terraces for deflection and distribution of water, pits and processing areas.

The country’s large number of early gold-workings is unique and forms an unparalleled mining archaeological legacy, which deserves further research. Especially, when seen in a wider archaeological and historical context it becomes clear, that it is not only of national importance but goes far beyond.  Therefore, the mining features deserve a full and thorough mining archaeological research aiming apart from their chronology at the cultural, socio-economic, environmental and landscape history.

Field Trip - Redcliff Iron Ore
Sun, 26/10/2014
SUNDAY, 26th October 2014
The Schedule of the Field Trip
1.      Meet at Hotel Redcliff at 1000h
2.      Depart from Hotel Redcliff in convoy at 1015h (In the company of the Ripple Creek Mine Manager)
3.      Arrive at Ripple Creek Mine 1045h
4.      Description of History, Geology and Mining of Ripple Creek (including questions) by Charles Castelin from 1050h to 1130h
5.      Short tour of exposures in the mine 1130h to 1200h
6.      Travel to Orpheus Mine 1200h to 1230h
7.      Break for picnic lunch 1230h to 1300h
8.  Description of History, Geology and Mining of Orpheus Mine by Charles Castelin 1300h to 1315h
9.  Inspect exposures in Orpheus Mine 1315h to 1345h
10.  Depart for Harare via Redcliff 1345h
11.  Estimated time of arrival in Harare 1700h
Du Toit Memorial Lecture - Prof. Nic Beukes
Mon, 27/10/2014
Alex du Toit Memorial Lecture – 2014
Sponsored by The Assmang Limited (www.assmang.co.za)
Professor Nic Beukes , University of Johannesburg, South Africa
“Origins and paleoenvironmental significance of Precambrian sedimentary iron and manganese deposits with special reference to the history of free oxygen in the ocean and atmosphere”
VENUE : University of Zimbabwe, Geology Department
TIME:  17.00 for 17.30 start (teas to be provided prior to the talk)
DATE:  27th October 2014
Background to the Alex du Toit Lecture:  Every two years the Fellows Committee of the Geological Society of South Africa invites an esteemed academic researcher to present the Alex du Toit Memorial Lecture to Branches and Divisions of the GSSA, and to associated societies in neighbouring countries.  Traditionally, the lectureship cycles between southern African and international candidates from further afield.  The objective of the lecture series is to assist researchers of international repute to travel to our branches and divisions to deliver a lecture in their specific field of research that will be of interest to most geologists, as well as to honour the life work of Alex du Toit.
Summer Symposium
Fri, 28/11/2014

One-day symposium to be held at the Geology Department at UZ

The focus this year is on understanding the Mineral Resource Potentia-l of Zimbabwe. 

Registration (incl teas and lunch) $25 for members 
(This event this for members only. Non-members are encouraged to join.)
07:45 Registration
08:15 Welcome & Atlas Project Demonstration - Andrew du Toit,  Society Chairman 
08:35 Official Openning - Deputy Minister of Mines and Mining Development, the Hon. Fred Moyo MP
09:00 Overview of Zimbabwe’s Mineral Resource Potential -  Tip of the Iceberg? - Forbes Mugumbate
09:25 Tea
09:40 Policy Development and its effects on mineral resource rich countries: from potential to actualization - Ben Mapane (Keynote Speaker)
10:30 Sustainable Geology: Enhancing geosciences education practical foci and independent development of geological skills from elementary to tertiary levels - Tendai Njila 
10:50 Hydrocarbon Potential in Zimbabwe - Brent Barber
11:25 A snapshot of PGE resources of the Great Dyke - Collins Mwatawa
11:45 Comparison between Sulphide ores and Oxide ores on the Wedza Complex of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe - Freddy Chikwiri 
12:05 The Waterberg Platinum Discovery - Gordon Chunnett
12:25 Determination Of Optimal Combination Of Recovery Rate (Rom) And Level (Cut-Off Grade) Based On The Polygon Method Of Reserve Estimation - Lyman Mlambo
12:45 Lunch
14:00 Merits of multi-spacing Gradient Induced Polarisation (GIP) and its applications - Tenyears Gumede
14:20 Exploitation of gangue minerals and their contribution towards a country’s economic development - Kennedy Magomo
14:40 The History of Mica Mining in Zimbabwe  - Tim Broderick
15:00 Tea
15:15 The Geomorphology of southwest  Uganda - Andy Pahwaringira
15:35 SRK's perspective on new mining business for the past 5 Years - Arimon Ngilazi
15:55 A Discussion On Quality Assurance-Quality Control (QAQC) In Mineral Exploration = Jones Bishi
16:15 Summary = Ben Mapane
The Mennell Society is organising a braai for after the Symposium


2015 Annual General Meeting
Fri, 13/03/2015

Venue -  Country Club,  Brompton Rd, Eastlea, Harare

Speaker -  Richard Owen

Chewore Dinosaur Footprints Field Trip
Sat, 23/05/2015


23rd to 25th May 2015

Programme :  

Saturday 23rd May – Leave Harare 7am (convoy)

Stop 1 Cretaceous close to Mushimbi Pools

Stop 2 Fossil Forest

Sunday 24th May – Dinosaur footprints and Mana Angwa bone site 0700 – 1700 hours

Monday 25th May – return to Harare

GSZ Social at Blue@2 - First Friday of every month
Fri, 02/10/2015
W e would like you to join us for a bit of socialising on the first Friday of every month. This will help the Geological community to keep in touch, plus provide a means for newcomers to readily make contact with the Society.
  • Venue:  Blue@2
  • Time:  19.00hs Friday (remember - first Friday of every month)
  • Directions:  2 Aberdeen Road  -  Turn west off Sam Nujoma Avenue at the traffic lights and it’s about 100m down the road on the right-hand-side. If you get ‘lost’ call Brent on:   0782 782 007
 We're looking forward to seeing you there.
GSZ Social at Blue@2 - First Friday of every month
Fri, 06/11/2015
W e would like you to join us for a bit of socialising on the first Friday of every month. This will help the Geological community to keep in touch, plus provide a means for newcomers to readily make contact with the Society.
  • Venue:  Blue@2
  • Time:  19.00hs Friday (remember - first Friday of every month)
  • Directions:  2 Aberdeen Road  -  Turn west off Sam Nujoma Avenue at the traffic lights and it’s about 100m down the road on the right-hand-side. If you get ‘lost’ call Brent on:   0782 782 007
 We're looking forward to seeing you there.
Karoi - Kariba Trip
Thu, 19/11/2015

Visit a variety of roadside outcrops along the road from Karoi to Kariba

Summer Symposium at Kariba
Fri, 20/11/2015
19th – 22nd November 2015
The Geological Society of Zimbabwe holds an annual symposium towards the end of each year where presenters, from amongst the membership and invited guests, talk on a wide variety of topics of interest to the geological community.
Pre-Symposium Field Excursion
19th November 2015
Various outcrops along the road from Karoi to Kariba to look at the Hurungwe gneisses, the Makuti Group (with a detour to the Zambezi escarpment), a couple stops 10-12 km E of Kariba to see porphyritic granitoids and granitic gneisses, and the Kariba Sillimanite Quartzite. Discussions at the outcrops will include tectonic and geological implications of the new geochronological results from these localities - leader Sharad Master (WITS)
Meet in Karoi at Twin Rivers Motel at 8:45am.
20th November 2015
Carribea Bay - Kariba 8am to 5pm - Registration Cost $50 per person (including teas and lunch)
The current provisional program includes the following talks:-
- The vanished orogeny: Geochronology of Palaeoproterozoic “basement” gneisses of the Kariba and adjacent areas, western Magondi Belt (Zimbabwe and Zambia) / Presenter = Sharad Master
- Implications for the extent of the Zimbabwe Craton, from U‐Pb zircon geochronology of the Dete‐Kamativi Inlier (NW Zimbabwe) and the Choma‐Kalomo Block, of SE Zambia. / Presenter = Sarah Glynn
- Impact of hydrothermal solutions on the world economy / Presenter = Tony Martin
- Ruby Bearing Amphibolitic Gneisses ‐ Montepuez Complex, Mozambique / Presenter = Tenyears Gumede
- The Sinclair Supergroup: its evolution and implication on the assembly of Rodinia. / Presenter = Ben Mapane
- Kariba ‐ 60 Years Since Inception. A Geological and Geotechnical Review / Presenter - Tim Broderick
- A Review of Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating in Southern Africa / Presenter = Mary Evans
- Challenges in the interpretation of luminescence dating of quartz grains in the Kalahari environment. / Presenter = Andy Moore
- Professional Status and the Geological Society of Zimbabwe / Presenter = Andrew du Toit
- The need of a Geochemical baseline study for the SADC region. / Presenter = Zibisane Bagai
Post-Symposium Field Excursion
20th – 22nd November 2015
Visit to Simamwenda Meteorite Crater - leader Sharad Master (WITS)
Cost, two nights on the Ferry, full board (excluding drinks) - $160 per person. The ferry has a cash bar.
Note that the Ferry does not offer cabins and private accommodation. The sleeping arrangement is a communal setting with ample chair beds for each passenger. (www.karibaferries.com)
- Friday 20‐11‐2015 17:00 Ferry departs Kariba
Overnight travel across Lake in Ferry, with dinner and breakfast
- Saturday 21‐11‐2015 07:00 Passengers disembark at Sinamwenda
Walk 5km each way to crater, packed lunch, carry out various surveys ‐ leader Sharad Master
- Saturday 21‐11‐2015 15:00 Passengers return to ferry and leave for Musango
Overnight travel across Lake in Ferry, with dinner and breakfast
- Sunday 22‐11‐2015 07:00 Passengers disembark at Musango to view various fossils and stone age artifacts
- Sunday 22‐11‐2015 09:00 Passengers return to ferry and leave for Kariba
Travel across Lake, lunch
- Sunday 22‐11‐2015 14:00 Ferry arrives in Kariba
- Sunday 22‐11‐2015 14:00 Drive back to Harare
Please let us know if you require transport from Harare to Kariba and back.
There are a variety of accommodation options available in Kariba.
If there are sufficient bookings, Carribea Bay is $77.50 per person sharing, bed and breakfast,
Please reserve and pay for your accommodation through Baobab Bookings, email loraine@baobabzim.net (+263 773 263 671) and indicate that you are part of the Geological Society group. They can also arrange self-catering accommodation for you if you prefer.
Registration $50 for the Symposium, includes symposium attendance, lunch, teas and abstracts only. You need to book and pay for accommodation separately and direct with the lodge or camp of your choice.
The Sinamwenda Trip costs $160 per person. Places the Ferry are limited and will be booked on a first paid – first served basis
Note This excludes National Parks Lake usage fees and National Park Entry which currently total $8 for locals and $20 for visitors which will be payable in cash on embarkation
Please reserve your place as soon as possible by paying $50 (symposium only) or $210 (symposium & Sinamwenda Trip) into:-
Bank Details
Acc No 6533195
Barclays Bank
Kurima House 2157
Please let us have confirmation of your payment for reconciliation purposes.
Please let us know if you are interested in attending either or both of the field trips.
Address all inquiries, replies and other correspondence
The Administrator
Sinamwenda Meteorite Crater Trip
Sat, 21/11/2015

Following the Summer Symposium we will board the Kariba Ferry and travel overnight to Sinamwenda.

We will disemark and walk 5km each way to crater  carry out various surveys  with trip leader Sharad Master.

In the evening we will travel overnight  back to Musango to view the various fossils there and then return to Kariba by early Sunday afternoon.



Review Of The Karoo Supergroup and Younger Rocks In The Zambezi Valley by Brent Barber
Fri, 11/12/2015

The review completed collates all that is presently known on the geology of the Zambezi Rift Branch in Zimbabwe – ranging from climatic setting, through its tectonic development, to the re-structuring of the lithostratigraphic classification of the Karoo Supergroup in perspective to its dynamic geological setting..


The talk will take place on Friday 11th December at 5.30pm.


The venue is the Geology Department, UZ campus in Harare.


The talk will be followed by a braai, organised by the Mennell Society. We will let you have further details of this nearer the time.

GSZ Social at Blue@2 - Friday 15th January
Fri, 15/01/2016

W e would like you to join us for a bit of socialising. This will help the Geological community to keep in touch, plus provide a means for newcomers to readily make contact with the Society.

·         Venue:  Blue@2

·         Time:  7pm - Friday 15th January 2016 

·         Directions:  2 Aberdeen Road  -  Turn west off Sam Nujoma Avenue at the traffic lights and it’s about 100m down the road on the right-hand-side. If you get ‘lost’ call Brent on:   0782 782 007

 We're looking forward to seeing you there.

TALK - Overview Of The Known Large Scale Coal Potential Of Zimbabwe
Fri, 29/01/2016

Brent Barber will be giving us a talk on the "Overview Of The Known Large Scale Coal Potential Of Zimbabwe"

A synthesis of the known large scale coal potential of Zimbabwe, commencing with the genesis of the coals and culminating with a summaries of the eight deposits meriting inclusion.

The talk will take place on Friday 29th January at 5.30pm. Refreshments will be available from 5pm.

The venue is the Geology Department, UZ campus in Harare. 

Hope to see you there.
GSZ Social at Blue@2 - Friday 5th February 2016
Fri, 05/02/2016

W e would like you to join us for a bit of socialising on Friday 5th February. This is a great way for the Geological community to keep in touch, plus provide a way for newcomers to easily make contact with the Society.

·         Venue:  Blue@2

·         Time:  19.00hs Friday 5th. February

·         Directions:  2 Aberdeen Road  -  Turn west off Sam Nujoma Avenue at the traffic lights and it’s about 100m down the road on the right-hand-side. If you get ‘lost’ call Brent on:   0782 782 007

 We're looking forward to seeing you there.

GSZ Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 26th February 2016
Fri, 26/02/2016

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe will be held as follows:

Date:   26th February 2016

Time:   1700 hours

Venue:  The Country Club (CFX) Brompton Road, Highlands, Harare


K. Musiwa

Hon. Secretary







4.1   Consideration and approval of the minutes

4.2   Matters arising not covered  elsewhere in the agenda






Dinner at 1900hrs



11.1                      Phaup Award

11.2                      Vinyu Award

11.3                      Viewing Award


The AGM will be followed by dinner. The cost for this dinner will be $20. 


K. Musiwa

Hon. Secretary

FIELD TRIP - Pitana Gold Mine – Midlands
Sat, 14/05/2016
FIELD TRIP - 14th MAY 2016
We will be visiting the Pitana Gold Mine – Midlands Greenstone Belt - on Saturday 14th May. Please meet at the entrance of Chegutu in the Lambourne Butchery parking lot at 8:00am and please bring a packed picnic lunch.
If you require, or are offering, transport please let us know and we will try to put you in touch with each other.
It would be helpful to let us know it you are intending to attend so that we know who to wait for in the car park.
Our email address is geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com
Hope to see you there.
Field Trip to the Freda Rebecca Gold Mine - Saturday 16th July
Sat, 16/07/2016

Field Trip to the Freda Rebecca Gold Mine - Saturday 16th July

Meet at 8am at the Entrance Gate ( we expect to finish around 1pm )

Bring your own underground PPE.


PLEASE NOTE: The number of people who can attend this field trip is restricted and only the first 20 who register will be able to proceed. 

Book your place by sending an email back to the GSZ on this email address.


A Short Note

All the information presented here is found on the Asa Resource Group official website; http://www.asaukplc.com/

The gold mine is situated near the town of Bindura, approximately 90km north-east of Harare, Zimbabwe – Figure 1

 Inline image 1


FRGM lies on the central axis of the synclinal Mazowe-Bindura Greenstone belt. The geology of the area around FRGM is characterised by the Shamvaian sediments, diorite and granodiorite.

The FRGM orebodies are largely hosted by the Prince of Wales diorite and the Bindura granodiorite. The mineralisation is hosted within two major shear envelopes. Individual shears are variable in width and these two systems merge to the south west at depth flattening at around 850m elevation and extending into the metasediments. The shear system is characterised by a set of anastomosing shears separated by relatively underformed rock units.


Historical exploration and production – back to 1912

The Freda oxide and the Freda and Rebecca sulphide gold deposits are part of the more recent (modern) discoveries in Zimbabwe – 1987

Cluff Resources were the first to develop 2 open pits – mining oxides at Freda and sulphides at Rebecca.

In 1996, Ashanti Goldfields Zimbabwe acquired the mine in 1996 when underground operation at Rebecca were developed.

In 1998, the Freda-Rebecca became a fully underground gold mine

In 2007, the mine was put on care and maintenance until 2009 when mining restarted.


The FRGM ore bodies are hosted by the Prince of Wales diorite and the Bindura granodiorite.

The mineralisation is hosted within two major shear envelopes. Individual shears are variable in width and these two systems merge to the south west at depth flattening at around 850m elevation and extending into the Shamvaian metasediments.

The shear system is characterised by a set of anastomosing shears separated by relatively underformed rock units.


Mineral Resources


Cut-off (g/t)

Tonnes (‘000t)

Grade Au(g/t)

Gold (‘000oz)
















Don't forget to book.
Macgregor Memorial Lecture - Martin Prendergast
Fri, 05/08/2016
'Lateritisation in the Northern part of the Great Dyke in relation with the erosion surfaces'  
Macgregor Memorail Lecture  by Dr Martin Prendergast
17:00 on 5th August 2016
Department of Geology,  Unversity of Zimbabwe
Field Trip - North part of the Great Dyke - Martin Prendergast
Sat, 06/08/2016

Field Trip - North part of the Great Dyke -  Leader Dr Martin Prendergast


6th April 2016 View general geomorphological  features between Mutorashanga and Horseshoe
 Leave from Harare early.  Drive to Horseshoe  
Overnight at Varden Camp
7th April 2016 - Detailed field examination of erosion surfaces and lateritisation in the Mvurwi Peak area of Horseshoe
Return to Harare by evening
35th International Geological Congress - Cape Town
Sat, 27/08/2016

South Africa will be hosting the 35th ‘World Cup of Geosciences’ in 2016, the prestigious International Geological Congress (IGC), which is undoubtedly the most important activity of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The South African event will take place at the Cape Town International Convention Centre from 27 August to 4 September 2016.


History Society of Zimbabwe talk on the History of Coal in Zimbabwe
Sun, 18/09/2016
History Society of Zimbabwe talk on the History of Coal in Zimbabwe by Dr.  Antony Martin
To be held at the Beit Hall, St George’s College on Sunday, 18 September 2016, at 1130h
Talk on Meteorites
Fri, 23/09/2016

Talk on Meteorites by Ali Ait-Kaci

5pm at the Geology Department,  University of Zimbabwe


Talk by SGS Laboratory - Fire assay and analytical techniques in gold determination.
Fri, 07/10/2016

Talk by SGS Laboratory - Fire assay and analytical techniques in gold


5pm at the Geology Department,  University of Zimbabwe

Talk on Tantalum & Niobium Mineralisation in Zimbabwe
Fri, 21/10/2016

Talk on Tantalum & Niobium Mineralisation in Zimbabwe by Brent Barber

5pm at the Geology Department University of Zimbabwe

Summer Symposium 2016
Fri, 25/11/2016
Summer Symposium 2016
One-day symposium to be held at the Geology Department at University of Zimbabwe
Registration (incl teas and lunch) $20 for members (non-members should join)
Isaac Kwesu -  CEO of Chamber of Mines:- Official Opening    
Temba Hawadi (Director of ZGS) - Zimbabwe Geological Survey’s Japanese assisted project
Jan Kramers (Keynote Speaker):- Adrift again: recent geochronology and paleomagnetics undermine a Neoarchean collision model for the Limpopo Belt    
Tony Martin:- Geology of the Pongola Greenstone Belt    
Mark Tsomondo:- Framing Himalayan-Tibetan style indenter-escape style collision for a Neoarchean Limpopo orogen and Zimbabwe craton since 2.75-2.74Ga    
Tendai Njila:-  On the distribution, morphology, chemistry and mineralogy of global laterites: Cuban and Zimbabwean scenarios    
Farirai Kambanje:- Mineral Resource estimation techniques for shallow dipping ore bodies – a case on the Great Dyke  
Forbes Mugumbate:- Geomythology: Zimbabwean examples    
Hilary Gumbo & Mark Tsomondo:- Groundmagnetics and gold-camp scale structural controls at Mazowe Mine    
Mhanyarai Matare:- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) prior to project development.    
Tenyears Gumede:- The relevance of GIS techniques to resources evaluation - A project on archive data from Zimbabwe
Mike Kirstein:- Drones - the big picture for geology    
Renias Tirivabaya:- Condition driven operating and planning standards at medium sized gold mine    
Nhamo Manenji:- What to Expect as an Exploration Geologist    
Tony Martin:- Summary 
Murehwa Batholith - Trip with Mark Tsomondo
Sat, 26/11/2016

Field trip to the western margin of the Murehwa batholith to discuss alternative models of Chilimanzi granite emplacement, emphasizing regional tectonic controls versus vertical tectonics.

Meet Geology Department at 8.00 o’clock sharp
Drive along Mutoko Road to contact zone of Murehwa batholith.
The roads are suitable for cars with reasonable clearance - bakkies etc.
Return to Geology Department by mid afternoon.  
Bring your own lunch, snacks and lots of water.
Talk - A brief outline of the geologic evolution of the Southern Appalachians, USA, and some of its associated metals mineralisation by Jeff Chaumba
Fri, 16/12/2016
"A brief outline of the geologic evolution of the Southern Appalachians, USA, and some of its associated metals mineralization"
Speaker - Jeff Chaumba
Friday 16 December 5pm at Geology Department University of Zimbabwe


Annual General Meeting 2017
Fri, 24/02/2017
Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe will be held as follows:
Date:   24th February 2017
Time:   1700 hours
Venue:  The Country Club (CFX) Brompton Road, Highlands, Harare
4.1   Consideration and approval of the minutes
4.2   Matters arising not covered  elsewhere in the agenda
Dinner at 1900hrs
11.1                      Phaup Award
11.2                      Vinyu Award
11.3                      Viewing Award
The AGM will be followed by dinner. The cost for this is $15 per head.
Talk - Genesis of Hydrothermal Deposits by Prof. Watanabe
Mon, 27/03/2017
On Monday 27th March, Prof: Watanabe from the University of Akita, Japan will be giving us a talk on the Genesis of Hydrothermal Deposits.
The venue is the Geology Department, UZ campus in Harare and the talk will start at 5.30pm.
Refreshments will be available from 5pm and merchandise will be on sale.
Talk - Modern versus ancient controls on sedimentary systems; the present is not always the key to the past by Poppe L. de Boer
Fri, 31/03/2017
Poppe L. de Boer from Sedimentology Group, Utrecht University, the Netherlands will be presenting the following talk:
"Modern versus ancient controls on sedimentary systems; the present is not always the key to the past"
Date: 31 March 2017
Time: 17:00
Venue: Geology Department, University of Zimbabwe
Talk - Geoheritage of the Sahara and Sahel by Sharad Master
Thu, 18/05/2017
Sharad Master from WITS University will be presenting the following talk:
"Geoheritage of the Sahara and Sahel"
Date: 18 May 2017
Time: 17:00
Venue: Geology Department, University of Zimbabwe
Workshop - Professional Body and Code of Ethics
Fri, 14/07/2017
On 14th July 2017 at 4pm the Geological Society will be holding a workshop on 'Professional Body and Code of Ethics' at the Department of Geology,  University of Zimbabwe.
The aim of the workshop is to discuss and agree a roadmap around possibly becoming a  Professional Body with a Code of Ethics.
This is an important meeting that will affect all our futures.  Please attend.
This will be followed by a braai at the Department
Zimbabwe National Institute of Rock Engineering AGM and Annual Symposium
Sat, 22/07/2017

Zimbabwe National Institute of Rock Engineering is holding its AGM and Annual Symposium in Bulawayo at the Zimbabwe School of Mines on the 22rd of July 2017.

This is their  main annual event which brings all rock mechanics/engineering practitioners under one roof. It provides a great opportunity for networking. 

Please contact admin@zinire.co.zw for more details

SAIMM Conference - Building a Robust Mineral Industry
Thu, 03/08/2017

SAIMM Conference -  Building a Robust Mineral Industry is being held at Cresta Lodge, Harare on 3-4 August 2017.


- To bring together stakeholders in the mineral industry to discuss ways of building a robust mineral industry that thrives
despite a prolonged low global mineral commodity price environment a To share the latest developments in the standards, practices and technologies introduced to strengthen the mineral industry sector under low global mineral commodity prices
- To improve understanding of new and existing technologies, leading to growth and sustainable resource extraction through
all global mineral commodity price cycles.
- Platinum group minerals
- Gold bearing ores
- Base metal ores
- Energy minerals, gas and diamonds
- I am interested in attending the conference  ...
- I am interested in sponsoring the conference  ...
- I intend to submit an abstract entitled: ............................................................................
Title: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Personal Details: Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surname . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fax: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
E-mail: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Summer Symposium 2017
Fri, 01/12/2017
The Geological Society of Zimbabwe holds an annual symposium towards the end of each year where presenters, from amongst the membership, and invited guests, talk on a wide variety of topics of interest to the geological community.
This year, the Symposium will be held at the Department of Geology, University of Zimbabwe on the 1st December 2017.
Registration (incl teas and lunch) $20 for members (non-members should join)                        
Below is the provisional line-up
Southern Africa under cover – an integrated geophysical and geological interpretation - Branko Corner    
Durchbewegung textures, subterranean sedimentation and the link to mineralisation in the Lufilian Copperbelt -Tony Martin
Mantle Plumes: Fable, Fiction or Fact - Andy Moore  
Transtensional tectonics for the 2575Ma Great Dyke and diachronous Chilimanzi suite plutonism: the end of Macgregor's  vertical tectonics - Mark Tsomondo   
The Xade Complex and its place in the Umkondo igneous event - Peter Hildebrand   
 From Archosaurs to Dinosaurs - the 2017 Expeditions - Tim Broderick   
Arcadia Lithium Project - Roger Tyler   
Dune Mining at Richards Bay - Ellah Muchemwa   
Gold Processing at Cam and Motor Mine - Jonathan  Nyagumbo  
Challenges Facing Chrome Small Scale Miners - Nevison Chikandiwa 
Oil Exploration in Zambezi Valley - Brent Barber   
Airborne Full Tensor Gravity Gradiometry versus Ground Gravity in the search for mineral deposits - Tenyears Gumede
Update on Zimbabwe's new Mining Cadastre System - Bill Feast
Transparency in the Mining Industry -  Mary-Jane Ncube   
GSSA :- Registration and Ethics - Gordon Chunnett   
MSU Faculty of Mining & Mineral Processing Engineering - Anthony Mamuse
Field Trip - Cam and Motor Mine, Kadoma
Sat, 02/12/2017

There will be a visit to Cam and Motor Mine, Kadoma on Saturday 2nd December.

Number strictly limited to 50 so please reserve a place by emailing Geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com
Meet at Cam and Motor offices at Eiffel Flats, Kadoma at 9am.  The visit is expected to be over by 1230pm
You will need to leave Harare at 7am
PPE Required:
Hard Hat
Reflective Vest or Worksuit Jacket
Safety Shoes (or Gumboots) with steel toe caps
Optional: - Safety glasses/goggles,  dust mask
Annual General Meeting 2018
Fri, 09/03/2018
Annual General Meeting of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe will be held as follows:
Date:   9th March 2018
Time:   1700 hours
Venue:  The Country Club (CFX) Brompton Road, Highlands, Harare
- Dinner at 1900hrs  Cost $20 per head
- Presentation by Guest Speaker  - Gayle Hanssen  
- Awards and Presentations
Talk - Petrogenesis of Cr-enriched chromites from Prince Mine, Mashava Igneous complex by Jeff Chaumba
Fri, 01/06/2018
"Petrogenesis of Cr-enriched chromites from Prince Mine, Mashava Igneous complex"
Speaker - Jeff Chaumba
Friday 1st June 2018 at 5pm at Geology Department University of Zimbabwe
Pickstone Mine Visit
Sat, 16/06/2018
Meet at 8:00 am on Saturday 16 June at Halfway Hotel, Selous 
   Reflective vest
   Hard hat
   Safety shoes


Cancelled - 13th International Platinum Symposium - Great Dyke Trip
Sat, 07/07/2018

Please note that due to limited uptake this trip has had to be cancelled.

27th Colloquium of African Geology
Sun, 22/07/2018
On behalf of the 27th Colloquium of African Geology (27 CAG) and 17th Conference of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf17), we would like to extend a warm welcome and invite you to join us at the University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal, for the CAG27. The Colloquium of African Geology (CAG) is a major biennial meeting organized under the auspices of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf).
Senior and early-career earth scientists from organizations, associations, mining companies, civil societies, politics, and media will be welcome from all over the world especially but not limited to career scientists from African Countries and also to other colleagues that . These representatives will be from different countries and will also be active at the national level. The participation of these individuals from different sectors and countries will enhance international collaborations and increase the involvement of the international community.
Known as the “Venice of Portugal”, Aveiro is surrounded by salt-flats, beaches and lagoons, and dominated by the Central Canal running through town. Once a big sea port, Aveiro lies in a region of mountains cut by valleys and fertile lagoon plains.
The conference venue is the campus of Aveiro University, near the Aveiro city center. The conference is organized together by the Aveiro University and Geological Society of Africa (GSAf).
We believe that your presence and active participation will guarantee the success of the conference as it is a unique opportunity to share knowledge with colleagues from all over the world.
We look forward to welcome you to Aveiro in 2018!
Summer Symposium 2018
Thu, 06/09/2018
The Geological Society of Zimbabwe holds an annual symposium where presenters, from amongst the membership, and invited guests, talk on a wide variety of topics of interest to the geological community.
We are looking for presentations on broad range of subjects of general interest to Geologists.
If you would like to present, please let us know geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com
Alex du Toit Memorial Lecture 2018 - Professor Lewis Ashwal
Thu, 06/09/2018
 Every two years, the Fellows Committee of the Geological Society of South Africa selects earth scientists with an international reputation in research achievement to address the branches and divisions of the GSSA on a lecture tour, normally scheduled in the third and fourth quarter of the year.  Traditionally, the lectureship alternates between Southern African and more international speakers.
The 2018 du Toit lecturer is Professor Lewis (Lew) Ashwal of Wits University.  The title of his lecture is “Wandering Continents of the Indian Ocean”.  Many of you will be familiar with Professor Ashwal’s research over the years
This year we are honoured to be able to host the Memorial Lecture as part of the Summer Symposium
Chewore Inlier Field Trip
Fri, 07/09/2018

After an early Summer Symposium this year, we plan to visit the Chewore leaving Harare on Friday 7th September and returning Monday 10th September.

We plan to visit various exposures in the Inlier and the dinosaur footprints.

Talk - African Mineral And Energy Resources Classification And Management System (AMREC) And Panafrican Reporting Code (PARC) - Dr Maideyi Meck
Fri, 19/10/2018
 At 5pm on the 19th of October in the Kramers Room, Dr Maideyi Meck will talk on 'African Mineral And Energy Resources Classification And Management System  (AMREC) And Panafrican Reporting Code (PARC)'
The African Union Commission has recommended that a system for management of Africa’s mineral and energy resources i.e. African Mineral and Energy Resources Classification and Management System be put in place. A working group was put in place to come up with a classification system and a reporting code. Starting with the existing classifications and reporting codes the working group has come up with (UNFC-AMREC) and PARC. The two will be presented to the AU ministrial committee before year end. Dr Meck in her capacity as Secretary General of Geological society of Africa was invited by the working group as an observer in July  to attend the session which was discussing the classification and reporting code at the 27th Colloquim on African Geology. In this presentation she will give an update of the classification and reporting code to date. Participants are free to put in their contributions. Dr Meck will be able to forward them to the working group as she will also attend the session that will be finalizing the classification and reporting code in November before it is presented to the African ministers 
SAIMM Conference - Mining In Zimbabwe, Expectations and Opportunities
Wed, 28/11/2018
SAIMM Conference -  Mining In Zimbabwe, Expectations and Opportunities is being held at Cresta Lodge, Harare on 28-30 November 2018
- To bring together stakeholders in the mineral industry to discuss the expectations of potential investors as well as ways of investing in and developing the mineral sector in order to unlock
its economic potential.
- To share the latest legislative developments in the Zimbabwean mineral sector that highlight a trajectory of openness to business, increased exploration, production and growth.
- To improve understanding of innovative technologies and practices across the mineral industry, leading to growth and sustainable resource extraction..
3 ECSA CPD points will be allocated to all attending delegates
For further information contact:
Yolanda Ndimande
Conference Co-ordinator
Tel: +27 11 834-1273/7 Fax: +27 11 833-8156 or +27 11 838-5923
Course - Gold mineralization styles in Zimbabwe and reporting of Exploration Results
Thu, 31/01/2019
The GSZ will be offering a 2-day course on Gold mineralization styles in Zimbabwe and reporting of Exploration Results 
The dates are 31st  January and 1st February 2019
The venue is the Jan Kamers Museum, Geology Department, UZ.
Course Outline
Day 1
Importance of gold in the Zimbabwe mining scene
An overview of gold deposits and mineralisation styles (as applicable to Zimbabwe)
Gold exploration of greenstone hosted lode gold deposits
Gold mining of greenstone hosted lode gold deposits
Day 2
Gold exploration of sulphide hosted gold deposits
Gold mining of sulphide hosted gold deposits
QAQC of exploration results
The importance of codes in the minerals industry and the concept of a competent person
Registration Fees
Member $353
Non Member $ 400
Academic  $150
Students $30
Forbes Mugumbate 
Gayle Hanssen
Godfrey Chagondah
Billmore Nemahwe
Tania Marshall 
If you are interested in attending this course, please book your place as soon as possible. 
Annual General Meeting 2019
Fri, 08/03/2019
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe will be held at
1700 hours on 8th March 2019 
The Borrowdale Country Club, Helensvale, Harare
1. Convening of Meeting
2. Obituaries  and Minute of Silence
3. Apologies
4. Minutes of Previous AGM
   -Consideration and approval of the minutes
   -Matters arising not covered  elsewhere in the agenda
5. Chairman’s Statement – Steven Duma
6. Treasurer’s report – Collins Mwatahwa
7. Any Other Business
8. Announcement of the next committee 2019 – 2020 -  Nevison Chikandiwa
9. Dinner at 1900hrs - Cost $30 Eocash etc.
10. Talk  by Guest Speaker - Dr Tendai Chazuza
11. Awards and Presentations
   -Phaup Award
   -Vinyu Award
   -Viewing Award
   -Bond Award
Talk - The Re-interpretation of the Mobil legacy Geophysical Data - John Clark
Wed, 20/03/2019
John Clark, with an introduction from Brent Barber, will be talking to us about
The talk will take place at 5.30pm on Wednesday 20th of March in the Kramers Room, Geology Department, UZ campus in Harare. 
Refreshments will be available from 5pm and merchandise will be on sale.
Talk - Exploration of blind copper ore bodies - Discovery, evaluation and resource estimation- A case Study from South of Angola - Godfrey Gundani
Fri, 03/05/2019
Godfrey Gundani, will be talking to us about
"Exploration of blind copper ore bodies - Discovery, evaluation and resource estimation- A case Study from South of Angola"
The talk will take place at 5.00pm on Friday 3rd May in the Kramers Room, Geology Department, UZ campus in Harare. 
Refreshments will be available from 5pm and merchandise will be on sale.
Bulawayo - Macgregor Memorial Lecture 2019 -Exploring our Understanding of the Geological Evolution and Mineral Endowment of the Zimbabwe Craton - Hielke Jelsma
Wed, 15/05/2019
The Geological Society of Zimbabwe proudly  presents  its biennial MacGregor Memorial Lecture.  
 A.M. Macgregor (1888-1961) is remembered for his enormous contribution to geology. His maps changed the course of geological thinking in southern Africa and impacted on the discovery of mineral deposits and our understanding of mineral endowment.
This year,  Dr Hielke Jelsma (PhD, FGSSA, Pr Nat Sci), Principal Geologist, Anglo American presents a public lecture titled:
“A.M. Macgregor’s (1951) Gregarious Batholiths and a Tripartite Subdivision of the Greenstone Belt Stratigraphy: Exploring our current Understanding of the Geological Evolution and Mineral Endowment of the Zimbabwe Craton.”
The talk is open to the public and will be presented in both Bulawayo and Harare.
BULAWAYO - DATE: Wednesday 15th May - TIME: 5pm - VENUE: Zimbabwe School of Mines, Coghlan Ave Ext, Killarney
Macgregor Memorial Lecture 2019 - Exploring our Understanding of the Geological Evolution and Mineral Endowment of the Zimbabwe Craton - Hielke Jelsma
Fri, 17/05/2019
The Geological Society of Zimbabwe proudly  presents  its biennial MacGregor Memorial Lecture.  
 A.M. Macgregor (1888-1961) is remembered for his enormous contribution to geology. His maps changed the course of geological thinking in southern Africa and impacted on the discovery of mineral deposits and our understanding of mineral endowment.
This year,  Dr Hielke Jelsma (PhD, FGSSA, Pr Nat Sci), Principal Geologist, Anglo American presents a public lecture titled:
“A.M. Macgregor’s (1951) Gregarious Batholiths and a Tripartite Subdivision of the Greenstone Belt Stratigraphy: Exploring our current Understanding of the Geological Evolution and Mineral Endowment of the Zimbabwe Craton.”
The talk is open to the public and will be presented in both Bulawayo and Harare.
HARARE - DATE: Friday 17th May - TIME: 5pm - VENUE: UZ Geology Department
Macgregor Memorial Field Trip 2019 - Hielke Jelsma
Sat, 18/05/2019
During this one‐day field trip we will: 
‐ Explore the extraordinary geology of the Shamva greenstone belt with classic outcrop localities along the Mazowe River. 
‐ Discuss three deposit styles: magmatic‐hosted Ni‐Cu, epigenetic gold and VHMS Cu‐Pb‐Zn. 
‐ Discuss  our  understanding  of  the  greenstone  belt  stratigraphy  and  of  the  basement  terrain, following on from the Macgregor Memorial Lecture. 
Depart from University of Zimbabwe Geology Department at 06:30 hrs. 
Stop 1. 31.457°E, ‐17.569°S. Rutope Ultramafic Complex with Tipparary Ni‐Cu Claims. 
Stop 2. 31.543°E, ‐17.382°S. Lower Shamvaian Group volcaniclastic sediments and porphyries. 
Stop 3. 31.457°E, ‐17.569°S Lower Shamvaian Group rocks east of Shamva (Ashkirk claims). 
Stop 4. 31.60105°E, ‐17.26753°S. Upper Shamvaian Group rocks along Mazowe River transect. 
Stop 5. 31.84513°E, ‐17.15078°S. Upper Bulawayan Group rocks along Mazowe River transect. NOTE: They charge USD5/p/d and a community fee of RTGS2/p/d
Expected total distance = 300 km. Outcrops are a short walk from the vehicles.
Talk - 'The Black Gold of Hwange' - Trish Nyirenda
Fri, 25/10/2019

On 25th October 2019 Trish Nyirenda will be talking on  'The Black Gold of Hwange' in Bulawayo at the School of Mines starting at 1700

Summer Symposium 2019
Fri, 29/11/2019

The Summer Symposium will be held at the Geology Department UZ on 29th November 2019

Registration (incl teas and lunch) Z$300 for members (non-members should join)                    
07:45 Registration
08:00 Welcome - Nevison Chikandiwa-  Geological Society Chair
08:20 Official Opening - Forbes Mugumbate -  Director of the Geological Survey
08:40 Summary Of The Petroleum Exploration Completed In The Mzarabani Project By Invictus Energy - Brent Barber
09:00 Tea
09:20 Sijarira surprise! Preliminary age data on detrital zircons from the Sijarira Group, western Zimbabwe, reveals an unexpected Antarctica connection - Sharad Master
10:15 Superplume versus far-field stress as geodynamic controls on Witwatersrand sedimentation and Ventersdorp LIP magmatism: new insights from south-retreating and north-advancing orogens of 3.1-2.5Ga Kalahari Supercontinent  - Mark Tsomondo
11:00 The Great Dyke of Great Treasures and Great Mysteries - Forbes Mugumbate
11:20 A new Late Triassic fossil vertebrate assemblage from Zimbabwe - Key to the understanding of the origin of Dinosaurs - Chris Griffin as read by Tim Broderick
11:50 The Geology and Historical Importance of the Abanab Vanadium Mine in the Otavi MountainLand (Namibia) - Mark Watts
12:10 Some Observations on Pegmatites - Tony Martin
12:40 Structural Footprint of Gold Mineralisation in Zimbabwe Greenstone Belts; A case study of Pickstone Peerless Deposit - George Rusike
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Tantalite Production in Post Colonial Zimbabwe, 1980 – 2018: Challenges and Prospects - Tafadzwa Gwini
14:20 The Geo-Metallurgy of the Arcadia Pegmatite Swarm - Adam Moodley
14:40 An Interpretation Of Magnetic, Gravity And Magnetotelluric Measurements Over The Magondi Circular Magnetic Anomaly Of Zimbabwe - Tenyears Gumede
15:00 Tea
15:15 ScanIT – Optimizing core logging data acquisition - Megan du Plooy
15:35 Microseismic monitoring based approach to effective ground control management in unstable underground mines - Paul Matshona
15:55 Summary - Tony Martin
Field Trip - Shamva - Tony Martin
Sat, 30/11/2019
The field trip will cover outcrops of porphyritic granite, the Umwindsi Shear Zone and parts of the Shamvaian Group within the Shamva Greenstone Belt.
Meet at the defunct ZUVA filling station on Enterprise Road 250 m beyond Harare Drive for departure at 08.00 so please be there before then.
Please, please: The convoy will re-group 200 m down the Shamva Road which is the left turn just beyond the toll. Please do not head towards Murerwa or make your own way to Shamva. 
Return to the filling station will be around 17.00 and the total round-trip distance will be 160 km with very little walking required. Lunch at Stop 4  (out of 6 stops) so bring your own and water for the day.
Talk - Invictus Energy Project Update - Brent Barber
Fri, 13/12/2019

Brent Barber will present an update on the Invictus Energy project at 5pm on 13th December at the Geology Department at UZ.

AGM 2020
Fri, 28/02/2020

Provisional Date for the 2020 AGM

Cancelled - Zimbabwe Mineral Resources Conference - 2020
Wed, 24/06/2020

25 March 2020


To all members, sponsors and stakeholders.


Cancellation of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe - Mineral Resources Conference 2020– 24 and 25 June 2020

The Geological Society of Zimbabwe has made the difficult decision to cancel our Mineral Resources Conference 2020 due to take place on the 24th and the 25th of June 2020.

This is due to the Coronavirus pandemic that has grown to such epic proportions. A decision will be made in the future on whether to host the conference or not.

We thank you for your continued support and look forward to your co-operation.

We wish you and your loved ones good health during these challenging times and please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via e-mail – ellah.muchemwa@outlook.com, or geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com, if you need any further information.


Zoom Talk - The role of quality in grade control and reconciliation by M. Burnett
Fri, 17/07/2020

 The talk will be at 230pm

Please contact geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com for the Zoom login details
Zoom Talk - Mineral Exploration using modern Airborne EM systems and ground follow-up with state of the art SQUID sensor. Case study: Jacomynspan Ni-Cu deposit, South Africa by M Ushendibaba
Fri, 24/07/2020
The talk will be at 1pm
Please contact geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com for the Zoom login details
Zoom Talk - Alluvial gold exploration in Zimbabwe- a strong interplay with investment policies by B. Mupaya
Fri, 14/08/2020
The talk will be at 1pm
Please contact geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com for the Zoom login details
Zoom Talk - Coal and Zimbabwe's Economy by O. Maponga
Fri, 25/09/2020
The talk will be at 1pm
Please contact geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com for the Zoom login details
Zoom Talk - A Reassessment of the Geodynamic Evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton: Implications for the Formation of Magmatic Sulphide Deposits and Base Metal Endowment by H. Jelsma
Fri, 09/10/2020
The talk will be at 1pm
Please contact geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com for the Zoom login details
Zoom Talk - Botswana Kimberlite Exploration and Geomorphology by Andy Moore
Fri, 23/10/2020
Zoom Talk - Rare-element granitic pegmatites mineralization in the Archaean Mashava-Masvingo greenstone belt, Zimbabwe by G. Chagondah
Fri, 13/11/2020
The talk will be at 1pm
Please contact geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com for the Zoom login details
Summer Symposium 2020 Field Trip to Mistress Mine
Sat, 21/11/2020

Instead of the Summer Symposium there will be a field trip to Mistress Pegmatite Mine followed by a braai.  This will allow social distancing guidelines to be adhered to.

Meet at the UZ Geology Department at 830am on the 21st Saturday November 2020. You will need to make you own transport arrangements.

After visiting Mistress Mine we will proceed to Thetford Estate,  Christon Bank for a braai.  There is a US$5 entrance fee.  Braai fires will be provided but you will need to bring your own food and drink.   There are limited chairs available so please bring a camp chair.

You will be able to view excellent cave paintings and the game on the estate.


Summer Symposium 2020 - Cancelled
Fri, 27/11/2020

Due to COVID-19 the Summer Symposium this year will be replaced by a field trip to Mistress Mine north of Harare. This will allow social distancing guidelines to be adhered to.


Zoom Talk - Gold mineralisation potential of the southern part of the Mwanesi greenstone belt, south-central Zimbabwe craton: implications for further exploration by B. Mapingere
Fri, 04/12/2020
Talk Online - "Insights into the deformation and gold mineralisation of the Mwanesi Greenstone Belt, central Zimbabwe Craton" - Brian Mapingere
Fri, 15/01/2021

Online Talk

"Insights into the deformation and gold mineralisation of the Mwanesi Greenstone Belt, central Zimbabwe Craton"  - Brian Mapingere

Time: Jan 15, 2021 01:00 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 9244 4120
Passcode: 412900
This presentation will be recorded and made available on the website if you are unable to join at the scheduled time.
AGM 2021 - via Zoom
Fri, 26/02/2021
Talk Online - A travelogue through the alluvial diamond deposits of Africa - Dr Tania Marshall
Thu, 15/04/2021
We have scheduled a talk via Zoom as follows:-   
The topic is "A travelogue through the alluvial diamond deposits of Africa" presented by Dr Tania Marshall .  
Dr Marshall says that this will not be highly technical and it will appeal also to non-specialists (including non-geologists).

Time: Apr 15, 2021 01:00 pm

This presentation will be recorded and made available on the website if you are unable to join at the scheduled time.
Summer Symposium 2021
Fri, 26/11/2021
Summer Symposium
Fri, 21/10/2022
Macgregor Memorial Lecture - Sharad Master
Fri, 21/10/2022
Magondi Field Trip
Sat, 22/10/2022
Eureka Mine Trip
Sat, 12/11/2022

Meet at UZ Geology Car Park at 700am

Postponed - Field Trip to Manhize Iron Ore
Sat, 13/05/2023

Because of Mr Collins Mwatahwa's untimely death, the GSZ committee wishes to announce the cancellation of the GSZ field trip to Manhize which was scheduled for tomorrow, the 13th of May 2023 to a date to be announced.

Trip - Umkondo Basal Gravels - Chikwkwa
Sat, 27/05/2023
Online Talk - "Expanding our knowledge of melting and metal enrichment in the cratonic basement of Zimbabwe" - Lot Koopman
Thu, 06/07/2023

Zoom Details to be circulated by email

Summer Symposium 2023
Fri, 01/09/2023
Summer Symposium 2023
1st September 2023  - Diamond Lecture Theatre  opposite Department of Geology, University of Zimbabwe
Registration (incl teas and lunch) US$20 for members (non-members should join -  $30)                    
Provisional Programme
Registration at 745am
Geotourism, Geotrails and Geoparks – golden opportunities for sustainable social and economic developmentPatrick James
Exploration under the Auspices of Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) in ZimbabweForbes Mugumbate
A review of the timing of gold mineralisation in the Zimbabwe CratonBrian Mapingere
Copper and Molybdenum mineralisation in the Mutandahwe Complex of the Nuanetsi Igneous ProvinceLinda Iaccheri
Petrography and geochemistry of Dorowa rocks.  Implications for petrogenesis.Maideyi Meck
Machine Learning Models for the Kadoma-Chegutu Greenstone Belt using Magnetics, Radiometrics, and Mineral Occurrence DataTenyears Gumede
The mineralogy and geochemistry of Archaean late-granite suites along the southern extent of the Zimbabwe CratonGodfrey Chagondah
Eureka Mine 3D modellingSteve Duma
The Benefits of Digital Transformation in MiningVimbayi Matarirano
A geotechnical investigation of the underground bunker mining at ZimplatsTinotenda Magumise - Mwatahwa  Candidate - MSU
An Analysis of Alteration Styles Associated Au-Cu Mineralization at May Mine, Chinhoyi-Guruve Greenstone Belt.Beaman Goredema - Mwatahwa  Candidate - UZ
SummaryTony Martin


Field Trip - Dorowa and Shawa - 2 Days
Sat, 02/09/2023

The post Summer Symposium Trip is to the Dorowa and Shawa carbonatite ring complexes. 

Trip leader - Dr Tony Martin.

There are two options. For those who prefer a single day trip - all the main rock-types will be visited by 3pm on Saturday allowing people to return to Harare by 6pm if they choose.

For those who are equipped to camp on site and want a more in-depth look at the geology, we will camp at Dorowa overnight and continue on Sunday.

Single Day Option Itinerary





2 September 2023




6am – 9am

Drive to Dorowa via Nyazura

Meet at the Turn Off at Dorowa at 9am sharp 19.0709 S, 31.7760

9am – 3pm

Visit exposures in Dorowa- Shawa area


Drive back to Harare




Two  Day Option Itinerary





2 September 2023




6am – 3pm

Same as the single day option

3pm – 5pm

Visit Samrec Vermiculite


Camp at Dorowa Club

3 September 2023


8am – 12noon

Visit exposures not covered the previous day and then return to Harare

PPE Required

Those joining the visit to Samrec will need PPE -  helmets,  reflective vests,  safety boots etc.


For the lunches etc you will need to bring enough water, drinks and food for your requirements.

Camping will also be on a self-catering basis.   There will be a braai fire.  The Dorowa Club can supply braai backs for $10-11 depending on the option but you will need to confirm your requirement by end of day Wednesday so that they can make sure they have sufficient stocks.   You will need to make your own breakfast arrangements.

The Dorowa Club has toilet facilities, a flat lawn for camping and a cash bar.

You will need to provide your own camping equipment and make your own transport arrangements.

Copies of the guide will be distributed to participants.  There will be no charge for attending.

Please indicate you interest in attending and most important if you want a braai pack by emailing geol.soc.zimbabwe@gmail.com




Online Talk - "From Stonehenge to the Mayans: just how good were Stone Age astronomers?" - Mike Watkeys
Fri, 15/09/2023

Time: Sep 15, 2023 01:00 PM Harare

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4343 1059
Passcode: 360706

Invictus Trip (subject to drilling progress)
Sat, 23/09/2023
Visit to Beatrice Mine
Fri, 10/11/2023
Summer Symposium 2024
Fri, 01/11/2024
Summer Symposium and Macgregor Memorial Lecture, 2024
Date: 1 November
Venue: Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe, Bulawayo
Time: 7:30 am
The highlight of the symposium is the Macgregor Memorial Lecture, which will be delivered
by Professor Benjamin Mapani (Namibia University of Science and Technology) at 3:30 pm.
The lecture is titled ‘Zircon geochronology: a handle in plate reconstructions, geological
evolution of mobile belts and assessment of mineral deposit fertility.’ The lecture is open to
the public.
Symposium registration
Registration fee is USD$30 for ordinary members and USD$15 for students. Non-members
are encouraged to register. The fee covers abstract booklet, teas and lunch. Members who
wish to attend the symposium are encouraged to register on the link below.
Networking braai
There will be a networking braai after the Macgregor Memorial Lecture at a venue to be
advised soon. The braai is however not covered by registration fee. Our sponsors consisting
of companies who provide services and products to exploration and mining houses will be
marketing their products at the braai. Be sure to visit their stands.
Post-symposium field trip
The society is planning a 1-day field trip to Diana’s Pool area in Matobo on the 2nd of
November 2024 to see the orbicular granite and other interesting outcrops along the way. The
trip will be led by Dr Tony Martin.

Economically important pegmatites in Africa

Judith Kinnaird

The petrogenesis of orbicular granites in the Diana's Pool area, Zimbabwe

Senamile S. Dumisa

An outline of the activities of the International Commission for the History of Geological Sciences, and a call for volunteers for “The INHIGEO 2026 Conference at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe”


Sharad Master

A review of the geology and Au-Ag mineralization in the Gwanda Greenstone Belt: Implications to exploration

Godfrey Chagondah

Some observations on the Dwaars River chromitite seams and a nearby breccia pipe, Bushveld Igneous Complex

Tony Martin

Regional zonation of rare-element pegmatites: Why understanding the distribution of LCT and NYF pegmatites matters


Paul Nex

The Limpopo Belt in Zimbabwe as a geological heritage

Forbes Mugumbate

The Dokwe gold discovery

William Collett

The implication of metamorphism and deformation of the Vioolsdrif domain on the Haib Porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit, Namibia


Silvanus Shafiishuna

Modern-style and scale plate tectonics is Mesoarchaean in IGCP Project 280 'two cratons and an orogen' of southern Africa; novel kinematic and geodynamic constraints


Mark J. Tsomondo

Cast in stone

Theodora Rondozai

Innovation evolution in Geosciences: why technology is central in geological spaces

Vhusafheli Ramanugu


Post Summer Symposium Field Trip - Orbicular Granite -Bulawayo Area
Sat, 02/11/2024
Post-symposium field trip
The society is planning a 1-day field trip to Diana’s Pool area in Matobo on the 2nd of
November 2024 to see the orbicular granite and other interesting outcrops along the way. The
trip will be led by Dr Tony Martin.
Orogenic Gold in Africa and Worldwide - SEG
Mon, 10/02/2025
Two day course arranged by SEG in conjunction with GSZ.
Date: February 10-11, 2025
Time: 8:00am - 5:30pm CAT (UTC+2)
Location: University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
Format: Two-day in-person short course consisting of dynamic lectures and opportunities for participant Q&A interaction.
Presenters: Richard Goldfarb, Lynnette Greyling, Bob Foster, and Caitlin Jones
Attendee Maximum: 50
30% of spaces are reserved for students and offered at a discounted rate.
Course Overview
This two-day course will focus on the geology of and exploration for orogenic gold deposits, the most widespread type of gold deposit globally. Leading experts will provide descriptions of the most important Precambrian and Phanerozoic examples of orogenic gold ores formed in the world's young accretionary orogens and old cratonic greenstone belts. They will discuss topics including tectonic and structural controls, geological characteristics, geochemical and geophysical signatures, geochronological relationships, and exploration strategies. A large component of the program will be the detailed evaluation of gold metallogenesis and recent exploration successes throughout Africa.
Zimbabwe Gold Field Trip - SEG
Wed, 12/02/2025

SEG in conjucntion with GSZ is planned a field trip in February 2025.

This is a field trip to 4 of Zimbabwe’s Archaean greenstone belts, stretching from the Harare belt in the north to the Gwanda in the south. The field trip aims to showcase three of Zimbabwe largest gold producers – Shamva and Freda Rebecca of the Harare belt and an underground visit to Blanket Mine in Gwanda belt. We will also visit the open pits at Pickstone Mine and Cam and Motor Mine in the Midlands greenstone belt. The lesser known Filabusi belt will showcase it exploration potential and diversity from the more traditional Archaean belts.