Past Chairmen of the Geological Society of South Africa (Rhodesian Branch) and the Geological Society of Zimbabwe
The Inaugural Meeting of the Rhodesian Branch was attended by 7 Members of the Geological Society of South Africa and chaired by Dr J.W.N. Sharpe on 3rd June, 1960. It was formally constituted at the request of 20 Members on 29th June, 1960.
1960 - 1961 | J.C. Ferguson | 1961 - 1962 | J.C. Ferguson |
1962 - 1963 | J.C. Ferguson | 1963 - 1964 | J.C. Ferguson |
1965 | J.W.N. Sharpe | 1966 | J.W.N. Sharpe |
1967 | J.W.N. Sharpe | 1968 | G. Bond |
1969 - 1970 | C.A. Gibson | 1970 - 1971 | J.W. Wiles |
1971 - 1972 | G. Bond * | 1972 - 1973 | C.A. Gibson |
1973 - 1974 | J.W. Wiles | 1974 - 1975 | K.A.Viewing |
1975 - 1976 | C.J. Lenz | 1976 - 1977 | G. Bond |
1977 - 1878 | K.A. Viewing | 1978 - 1979 | J.G. Urie |
1979 - 1980 | E.R. Morrison | (Zimbabwe-Rhodesia Branch) | |
1980 - 1981 | C.J. Lenz | (Zimbabwe Branch) |
*Professor Geoffrey Bond was concurrently President of the Geological Society of South Africa for 1971-1972.
A resolution for the dissolution of the Zimbabwe Branch was presented to the Council of the Geological Society of South Africa on 28th March, 1981 and the Inaugural Committee Meeting of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe was held on 17th August, 1981 under the chairmanship of J.G. Urie.
The Founder Members of the Geological Society of Zimbabwe are R.P. Foster, A. Martin, E.R. Morrison, J.G. Urie and K.A. Viewing. The elected Inaugural Committee for 1981-1982 was I.G. Anderson, T.J. Broderick, C.A. Castelin, R.P. Foster, A. Martin, E.R. Morrison, J.L. Orpen, P.A. Stidolph, V.R.C. Stocklmayer, J.G. Urie, K.A. Viewing and A.N. Ncube (co-opted).
1981 - 1982 | J.G. Urie | 1982 - 1983 | J.G. Urie |
1983 - 1984 | F.C. Böhmke | 1984 - 1985 | O.K. Bwerinofa |
1985 - 1986 | T.J. Broderick | 1986 - 1987 | A. Martin |
1987 - 1988 | J.D. Kramers | 1988 - 1989 | A. Martin |
1989 - 1990 | F.C. Böhmke | 1990 - 1991 | E.R. Morrison |
1991 - 1992 | P. Bourhill | 1992 - 1993 | T.G. Blenkinsop |
1993 - 1994 | T. G. Blenkinsop | 1994 - 1995 | B. Barber |
1995 - 1996 | H. Munyanyiwa | 1996 - 1997 | J.L. Orpen |
1997 - 1998 | P.H.G.M. Dirks | 1998 - 1999 | M.L. Vinyu |
1999 | K.G. Chenjerai | 2000 | H.A. Jelsma |
2001 | E. Muchemwa | 2002 | T.J. Broderick |
2003 | A. Pahwaringira | 2004 | M.G. Hanssen |
2005 | A. du Toit | 2006 | H.N. Gumbo |
2007 | K. Musiwa | 2008 | C. Mwatahwa |
2009 | F. Mugumbate | 2010 | D. Chatora |
2011 | H. Bouammar | 2012 | F. B. Mupaya |
2013 | H.N. Gumbo | 2014 | A. du Toit |
2015 | A. Ait-Kaci | 2016 | B. Barber |
2017 | M. Mabvira-Meck | 2018 | S. Duma |
2019 | N. Chikandiwa | 2020 | E. Muchemwa |
2021 | R. Tirivabaya | 2022 | K. Mtetwa |
2023 | T. Gumede | 2024 | E. Mugandani |
Name in italics indicates that the Member is deceased.
Honorary Life Members
Dr A.C. Colvine | Prof. K. Eriksson | Mr E.R. Morrison |
Prof. J.F. Wilson | Dr L.A. Lister | Prof. R.G. Park |
Prof. E.G. Nisbet | Prof. D.L. Jones | Prof. M.J. de Wit |
Prof. J.D. Kramers | Prof. K.A. Viewing | Mr T.J. Broderick |
Prof. T. Zengeni | Prof. A. H. Wilson | Dr A. Martin |
Mr D.E.H. Murangari | Dr F. Podmore | Prof. T. Blenkinsop |
Dr. S. Master | Dr. M. Prendergast | F. Mugumbate |
Dr. H Jelsma | Prof. B. Mapani |
The A.M. Macgregor Memorial Lectureship
1985 | J.F. Wilson | A Craton and its Cracks |
1987 | A.C. Colvine | Genetic Models in Gold Exploration |
1992 | K.A. Eriksson | Crustal Growth, Surface Processes and Atmospheric Evolution of the Early Earth |
1994 | R.G. Park | Early Proterozoic Plate Tectonics - An Analogue for the Archaean? |
1998 | E.G. Nisbet | The influence of life on the face of the Earth |
2000 | M.J. de Wit | Old rocks act lies: that's why it is so difficult to reconstruct what Earth looked like long ago |
2003 | J.D. Kramers | The Limits of Uniformitarianism |
2005 | T.J. Broderick | 130 Years of Regional Geological Mapping – Zimbabwe’s Heritage and a Challenge for the Future |
2009 | A.H. Wilson | Earth’s Earliest Volcanoes – an insight into planetary processes 3 billion years ago |
2012 | T.G. Blenkinsop | Cratons, Mobile Belts and Gold Mineralisation |
2016 | M.D. Prendergast | Nickel laterite deposits of the northern part of the Great Dyke: Geomorphology. Regolith stratigraphy, geochemistry, mineralogy, distribution and genesis |
2019 | H. Jelsma | A.M. Macgregor’s (1951) Gregarious Batholiths and a Tripartite Subdivision of the Greenstone Belt Stratigraphy - Exploring our Understanding of the Geological Evolution and Mineral Endowment of the Zimbabwe Craton |
2022 | S. Master | Geological Evolution and Metallogeny of the Palaeoproterozoic Magondi Belt, Zimbabwe and Botswana |
2024 | B. Mapani | Zircon geochronology: a handle in plate reconstructions, geological evolution of mobile belts and assessment of mineral deposit fertility |
A.E. Phaup Award
Recipients of the A.E. Phaup Award for an author or authors who have made an important contribution, in any one year, to the geology of Zimbabwe by publication of a paper in a recognized scientific publication.
1979 | J.F. Wilson "A Preliminary Reappraisal of the Rhodesian Basement Complex" Geol. Soc. S. Afr., Spec. Publ. 5, pp. 1 - 23. |
1980 | A. Martin, E.G. Nisbet & M.J. Bickle "Archaean Stromatolites of the Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe" Precambrian Research, 13 (4), pp. 337 - 362. |
1981 | No Award Made |
1982 | A.H. Wilson "The Geology of the Great 'Dyke', Zimbabwe: The Ultramafic Rocks. J. Pet., 23(2), pp. 240 - 292. |
1983 | M.K. Watkeys, M.P.R. Light & T.J. Broderick "A Retrospective View of the Central Zone of the Limpopo Belt, Zimbabwe" Geol. Soc. S. Afr., Spec. Publ. 8, pp. 65 - 80. |
1984 | R.P. Foster (Ed) "GOLD '82: The Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Gold Deposits" Geol. Soc Zim., Spec. Publ 1, 731 pp., A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam. |
1985 | No Award Made |
1986 | Foster, R.P., Mann, A.G., Stowe, C.W. and Wilson, J.F. "Archaean gold mineralization in Zimbabwe" pp. 43-112 in C.R. Anhaeusser and S. Maske (Editors), Mineral Deposits of southern Africa, Vol. 1, Geol. Soc. S. Afr., Johannesburg. |
1987 | L.A. Lister "The Erosion Surfaces of Zimbabwe" Zim. geol. Surv, Bull. 90, 163 pp. |
1988 | No Award Made |
1989 | M.D. Prendergast " For his co-authorship of the first 3 papers in ‘Magmatic Sulphides - The Zimbabwe Volume’ and his editorship of that volume" |
1990 | J.D. Kramers and J.R. Ridley "Can Archaean granulites be direct crystallization products from a siallic magma layer?" Geology, 17, pp. 442 - 445. |
1991 | J.F. Wilson “A craton and its cracks: some of the behaviour of the Zimbabwe block from the Late Archaean to the Mesozoic in response to horizontal movements, and the significance of some of its mafic dyke fracture patterns” J. Afr. Earth Sciences, 10 (3), pp. 483 - 501. |
1992 | O. Gwavava, C.J. Swain, F. Podmore & J.D. Fairhead "Evidence of Crustal Thinning beneath the Limpopo Belt and Lebombo Monocline of Southern Africa, based on Regional Gravity Studies, and Implications for the Reconstruction of Gondwana" Tectonophysics, 212, pp. 1 - 20. |
1993 | M.J. Bickle and E.G. Nisbet (Editors) with A. Martin and J.L. Orpen "The Geology of the Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: A Study of the Evolution of Archaean Continental Crust" Geol. Soc. Zim., Spec. Publ. 2. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 239pp. |
and | A.H. Wilson. “Geology of the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe: Crystallization, layering, and cummulate formation in the P1 Pyroxenite of Cyclic Unit 1 of the Darwendale Subchamber” J. Petrol., 33, pp. 611 - 663. |
1994 | B. Goscombe, P. Fey & F. Both "Structural Evolution of the Chewore Inliers, Zambezi Mobile Belt, Zimbabwe" J. Afr. Earth Sciences, 19, pp. 199 - 224. |
1995 | S.D.G. Campbell & P.E.J. Pitfield "Structural Controls |
of Gold Mineralization in the Zimbabwe Craton – | |
Exploration Guidelines" Zim. geol. Surv., Bull. 101, 270 pp. | |
1996 | H.A. Jelsma, M.L. Vinyu, P.J. Valbracht, G.R. Davies, J.R. Wijbrans & E.A.T. Verdurman “Constraints on Archaean crustal evolution of the Zimbabwe Craton: a U-Pb zircon, Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb whole-rock isotope study” Contr. Min. Pet., 124, pp. 55-70. |
1997 | H. Munyanyiwa, R.E. Hanson, T.G. Blenkinsop & P.J. Treloar “Geochemistry of amphibolites and quartzofeldspathic gneisses in the Pan-African Zambezi Belt, northwest Zimbabwe: evidence for bimodal magmatism in a continental rift setting” Precambrian Research, 81, pp. 179-196. |
and | M. Berger & H. Rollinson. “Isotopic and geochemical evidence for crust-mantle interaction during late Archaean crustal growth” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 61, pp. 4809-4829. |
1998 | B. Goscombe, R. Armstrong & J. Barton “Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Chewore Inliers: partial re-equilibration of high-grade basement during the Pan-African orogeny” J. Pet., 39, pp. 1347-1384. |
1999 | M.L. Vinyu, R.E. Hanson, M.W. Martin, S.A. Bowring, H.A. Jelsma & P.H.G.M. Dirks “U-Pb and Ar40/Ar39 Geochronological constraints on the tectonic evolution of the easternmost part of the Zambezi orogenic belt, north-east Zimbabwe” Precambrian Research, 98, pp. 67-82. |
2000 | H.A. Jelsma & P.H.G.M. Dirks. “Tectonic evolution of a greenstone sequence in northern Zimbabwe: sequential early stacking and pluton diapirism” Tectonics, 19, pp. 135-152. |
2001 | Blenkinsop, T.G. and Treloar, P.J. “Tabular intrusion and folding of the late Archaean Murehwa Granite, Zimbabwe, during regional shortening” J. geol. Soc. Lond., 158, pp. 653-664. |
2002 | |
2003 | |
2004 | Prendergast, M.D. “Contact relationships between the Koodoovale- and Manjeri-type lithostratigraphic units of the late Archaean Bulawayan Supergroup at Hunters Road, central Zimbabwe” S. Afr. J. Geol., 107, pp. 325-332. |
2005 | Barale, G., Bamford, M.K., Gomez, B., Broderick, T.J., |
Raath, M.A. & Cadman, A. “A fossil peat deposit from | |
the late Triassic (Carnian) of Zimbabwe with preserved | |
cuticle of Pteridspermopsida and Gingoales, and its | |
geological setting” Palaeont. Afr., 41, pp. 89-100. | |
2006 | Moore, A. and Moore, J. “A glacial ancestry for the Somabula diamond-bearing alluvial deposit, central Zimbabwe” S. Afr. J. Geol., 109, pp. 625-636. |
and | Moyce, W., Mangeya, P., Owen, R. and Love, D. “Alluvial aquifers in the Mzingwane Catchment: Their distribution, properties, current usage and potential expansion” Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31, pp. |
2007 | Prendergast, M.D. and Wingate, M.T.D. “Zircon geochronology and partial reinterpretation of the late Archaean Mashaba Igneous Complex, south-central Zimbabwe” S. Afr. J. Geol., 110, pp. 585-596. |
2008 | Danielsen, J.E., Dahlin, T., Owen, R., Mangeya, P. and Auken, E. “Geophysical and hydrogeologic investigation of groundwater in the Karoo stratigraphic sequence at Sawmills in northern Matabeleland” Hydrogeology Journal, 15, pp. 945-960. |
2009 | Moore, A.E., Cotterill, F.P.D. (Woody), Broderick, T. and Plowes, D. “Landscape evolution in Zimbabwe from the Permian to present, with implications for kimberlite prospecting” S. Afr. J. Geol., 112, (1) (March), pp. 65-88. |
2010 | Master, S., Bekker, A. and Hofmann, A. “A review of the stratigraphy and geological setting of the Palaeoproterozoic Magondi Supergroup, Zimbabwe – Type locality for the Lomagundi carbon isotope excursion” Precambrian Research, 182, pp. 254-273. |
2011 | Rollinson, H. and Whitehouse, M. “ The growth of the Zimbabwe Craton during the late Archaean: an ion microprobe U-Pb zircon study” J. geol. Soc. Lond., 168, pp. 941-952. |
2012 | Prendergast, M.D. and Wingate, M.T.D. “Zircon geochronology of late Archean komatiitic sills and their felsic country rocks, south-central Zimbabwe: a revised age for the Reliance komatiitic event and its implications. Precambrian Research, doi:10.1016/j.precamres.2012.02.004, 20 pp. |
2013 | Prendergast, M.D. “Landscape evolution, regolith formation and nickel laterite development in the northern part of the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe” S. Afr. J. Geol., 116 (2), pp. 219-240. |
2014 | Ranganai, R. “Structural and subsurface relationships between the Fort Rixon – Shangani greentone belt and the Nalatale pluton, Zimbabwe, as derived from gravity and aeromagnetic data” S. Afr. J. Geol., 116 (2), pp. |
2015 | Key, R.M., Cotterill, F.P.D. and Moore, A.E. “The Zambezi River: An archive of tectonic events linked to the amalgamation and disruption of Gondwana and subsequent evolution of the African Plate” S. Afr. J. Geol., 118 (4), pp. 425-438. |
2016 | Prendergast, M.D. “The Snake’s Head Platinum Project – layering, PGE mineralization and deformation of the Musengezi Subchamber of the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe” S. Afr. J. Geol., 119 (2), pp. 305-328. |
2017 | Chauque, F.R., Cordani, U.G., Jamal,D.L. and Onoe, A.T. “The Zimbabwe Craton in Zimbabwe: A brief review of its geochronological pattern and its relation to the Mozambique Belt” J. Afr. Earth Sci’s. 129 (May), pp. 366-379. |
2018 | Viglietti, P.A., Barrett, P.M., Broderick, T.J., Munyikwa, D., MacNiven, R., Broderick, L., Chapelle, K., Glynn, D., Edwards, S., Zondo, M., Broderick, P. and Choiniere, J.N. “Stratigraphy of the Vulcanodon type locality and its implications for regional correlations within the Karoo Supergroup” J. Afr. Earth Sci’s. 137, pp. 149-156. |
2019 | Prendergast, M., Hollaway, J. (Editors), Nemasasi, W. (Champion), Stringer, R. (Copy Editor), Blenkinsop, T.G., Mugumbate, F., Viewing, K.A., Solberg, H.F., Maponga, O.J., Makwara, F., Kalenjeka, S., Mukwekwezeke, A.J., Musa, C.T. and Hawkins, A.M. (Contributors). “Mining in Zimbabwe from the 6th to the 21st Centuries” Chamber of Mines of Zimbabwe, 645 pp. |
2020 | Sciscio, L., Viglietti, P.A., Barrett, p.m., Broderick, T.J., Munyikwa, D., Chapelle, K.E.J., Dollman, K.N., Edwards, S.F., Zondo, M. and Choiniere, J.N. 2020. Sedimentology and palaeontology of the Upper Karoo Group in the Mid-Zambezi Basin, Zimbabwe: new localities and their implications for interbasinal correlation. Geological Magazine, https:// doi.org/10.1017/S0016756820001089 Cambridge University Press, 24pp. |
2021 | Not awarded |
2022 | Griffin C.T., Wynd B.M., Munyikwa D., Broderick T.J., Zondo M., Tolan S., Langer M.C., Nesbitt S.J. and Taruvinga H.R ‘Africa’s oldest dinosaurs reveal early suppression of dinosaur distribution.’ |
2023 | Gumsley A.P., de Kock M., Ernst R., Gumsley A., Hanson R., Kamo S., Knoper M., Lewandowski M., Luks B., Mamuse A. and Soderlund U. ‘The Mutare-Fingeren dyke swarm: the enigma of the of the Kalahari Craton’s exit from supercontinent Rodinia’ |
Geoffrey Bond Award
The Geoffrey Bond Award is to the Geology Honours student who presents the best project report in the year preceding an Annual General Meeting. The nomination is made by the Chairman of the Geology Department of the University of Zimbabwe. Previously the Macgregor Medal had been awarded by the Head of Department.
1983 | C.G. Carey | "The geology of the area around and to the east of Mushandike Dam" |
1984 | C.D.B. Payne | "The geology of the Gairezi sediments of the Umkondo Group in the Nyanga area with special reference to the structure and stratigraphy" |
1985 | K.G. Chenjerai | "The geology of an area north of Mazoe Mine" |
1986 | C.M. Tsomondo | "The geology of the greenstone-granite terrain between Adzwe Mine and St Joseph's School, Wedza" |
1987 | S. Mundondo | "The geology of an area around Muchi River, Magondi Mobile Belt" |
1988 | C.T. Mhindu | "Structural controls of gold mineralization and the geology of the Pink Reef Mine" |
1989 | D.M. Carr | "The geology of the Freda Mine and mine area, Gwanda Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe. A metallogenic and emplacement model" |
and | F.C. Mujuru | “Geological, geophysical and geochemical investigation of BIF-hosted gold mineralisation around Lennox Mine, Mashava and the implications for gold exploration in BIF-hosted ore" |
1990 | P.M.B.C. Mandoreba | "The geology of the country around Pompeii Mine (SW of Shurugwi)" |
1991 | F.T. Nhiwatiwa | "The geology, metamorphism, structure and gold mineralisation in and around Tiger Reef Mine, Kwe Kwe" |
1992 | M. Chivasa | "Geology, metamorphism, structure and sulphide mineralisation potential in and around Shabanie Mine, Zvishavane" |
1993 | M. Makanza | "The geology of an area around Chiswiti, north of Mount Darwin" |
and | K. Ruswayi | "The geology of the area around Isabella Mine: structural controls on gold mineralization" |
1994 | K. Chisi | "The geology of the Gadzema Schist Belt: Tectonics and structural constraints on gold precipitation" |
and | W. Mtisi | "The geology of an area south of Rushinga" |
1995 | R.W.A. Tennant | "A structural re-appraisal of the Chimanimani Mountains" |
and | J.A. van der Merwe | "A structural re-appraisal of the geology about Dalny Mine, Chakari, with particular reference to gold mineralisation" |
1996 | G. Gundani | "Metabasites and the tectonic evolution of the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt" |
1997 | K. Danda | "The geology, geochemistry and alteration patterns associated with the Maramba base metal (Cu-Pb-Zn) deposit: implications for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) exploration" |
1998 | B. Mangwiro | "Characterising the source, type of placer accumulation and environmentally sustainable production of gold in the Angwa River, NW Zimbabwe" |
1999 | A. Mamuse | "Geological, geochemical and petrogenic features of tantalum pegmatites: a study of the Benson Mine area (NE Zimbabwe) and implications for tantalum exploration" |
2000 | B. Ruzive | "An assessment of the contribution of mine dumps to siltation and environmental pollution by heavy metals in Mutorashanga, northern Great Dyke" |
2001 | G. Chinoda | "Stratigraphic and structural relationships around Shabani: implications on gold mineralisation" |
2002 | ||
2003 | ||
2004 | No Award | |
2005 | No Award | |
2006 | I.T. Nyamukondiwa | “Geological mapping of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe from Darwendale to Impinge – North Dyke (with emphasi s on seam characteristics and occurrence of the blank zones” |
2007 | ||
2008 | C. Maramba | “The geology and gold mineralization relationships between Shamva Danton Claims and Shamva Mine; could Danton be an extension of Shamva Mine orebody?” |
2009 | No Award | |
2010 | No Award | |
2011 | No Award | |
2012 | No Award | |
2013 | No Award | |
2014 | No Award | |
2015 | No Award | |
2016 | P.A. Dinginya | “Determining possible source rock/s for alluvial gold in Matsitsi River, Ayrshire Mine: A Soil geochemical approach” |
2017 | P. Maradza | “The effects of geological structures on ground stability at Ayrshire Mine, Banket, Zimbabwe” |
2018 | W. Magaza | “Characterisation of mineralisation at Bubi Mine, implications for gold exploration” |
2019 | T. Kandemiri | “Geology and gold mineralization styles of the Glenn High Prospect, Bulawayo Greenstone Belt” |
2020 | K. Moyo | “Footwall splay faults: Implications to gold mineralization at How Mine, Bulawayo Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe” |
2021 | G. Kupeta | Petrography and depositional features of the Lower Argillaceous Series; Dunstan Farm, Chimanimani: Possible Charleswood Diamondiferous Grits extension |
2022 | T.T.Dingaan | Mtshingwe Fault Zone associated alterations and implications on PGM mineralization of the Main Sulphide Zone. |
2023 | T. Mwagura | The Effect of the Paarl Fault on the Main Sulphide Zone, Selukwe Subchamber, Great Dyke |
Jim Wilson Award
Jim Wilson Award – for the best Honours Project, Midlands State University
2021 | N.M. Gerema |
2022 | R. Mavesera |
2023 | M Mugwagwa |
Mike Vinyu Award
Mike Vinyu Award – for the best geology student at the School of Mines, Bulawayo
2007 | Daniel Chavandora |
2008 | Miss Nosizo |
2009 | Lloyd Chiyamuchiko |
2010 | Wiseman Chipangamate |
2011 | Lawrence Poterai |
2012 | Luckmore Chiteshe |
2013 | Sarah Sindiso Masendeke |
2014 | Nyasha Natasha Chitsa |
2015 | Brian Tapuwa Chinheya |
2016 | Bayanda Brian Moyo |
2017 | Alfred Chikandiwa |
2018 | Blessing Jean Msipha |
2019 | Godwill Mutukura |
2020 | No award (COVID19 restrictions) |
2021 | W. Makwanya |
2022 | M. Mupamhadz |
2023 | J. K. Chakawa |
Keith Viewing Award
Keith Viewing Award – for the best presentation at the Annual Summer Symposium
2008 | Mike Kellow. Ultra-detailed Aeromagnetic surveys – new insights into the Perseverance Nickel Belt. |
2009 | Hillary Gumbo. 3D Earth Exploration. |
2010 | No Award – ZGS Centenary Symposium held. |
2011 | Hillary Gumbo and Peter Bourhill. Integrated exploration on a coal project in southern Zimbabwe. |
2012 | Dumisayi Mapundu. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) as a ground monitoring system. |
2013 | Lovemore Chimuka. Exploration techniques: Discovery of Sese and Murowa kimberlite fields. |
2014 | Freddy Chikwiri. A comparison between the PGM mineralogy of the pristine sulphide and oxidized ores of the Wedza Subchamber, Great Dyke, Zimbabwe. |
2015 | Tenyears Gumede. Geophysics of the ruby-bearing amphibolite gneisses – Montepuez Complex, Mozambique. |
2016 | Hillary Gumbo and Mark Tsomondo. Ground magnetics and gold-camp scale structural controls at Mazowe Mine. |
2017 | Tim Broderick. From Archosaurs to Dinosaurs. |
2018 | Tom Blenkinsop. Tectonic Controls on the intrusion of the Great Dyke and the Bushveld Complex. |
2019 | Sharad Master. Sijarira surprise! Preliminary age data on detrital zircons from the Sijarira Group, western Zimbabwe reveals an unexpected Antarctica connection. |
2020 | No symposium due to COVID19 |
2021 | Brian Mapingere. Structural constraints on the evolution of the south-eastern Mwanesi Greenstone Belt and adjacent granitoids, central Zimbabwe Craton: implications for gold mineralisation |
2022 | Scott Maclennan. ‘High temperature thermochronology from the Paleoarchean eastern Pilbara craton and relevance to the granite-greenstone terranes of the Zimbabwe craton’ |
2023 | Godfrey Chagondah, ‘The mineralogy and geochemistry of Archaean late-granite suites along the southern extent of the Zimbabwe Craton’ |