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Mutorashanga viewpoint

This stop in the axis of the Great Dyke provides panoramic views of the serpentinite terrain to the north and south and of the surrounding granite plain and inselberg landscape.
Note the following:
1. The viewpoint is situated on the Upper African Surface at a cliff-top elevation of ca. 1620m.

Shabani Gneiss - Runde River

The banded gneisses comprise alternating layers of an inequigranular intergrowth of quartz-plagioclase with minor untwinned microcline and accessory apatite, zircon and epidote, with a melanosome of finer grained biotite, partly altered to chlorite. The plagioclase is albite or oligoclase, showing mild sericitisation. The bands have a range of widths up to 200mm and show evidence of extreme ductility during several periods of deformation. The banding trends north-south and dips are steep.

Mpinge section – Exposures of the Upper African Surface, Chikonyora hill

At this stop (in the axis of the Great Dyke towards the northern end of the Mpinge section) can be seen the principal regolith stratigraphy of the Upper African Surface exposed around and above old chromite workings on the southern slopes of Chikonyora hill (1729m). 
On the way, after the turn-off from the Mvurwi - Guruve tarred road, and to the right of the dirt road, look out for soil-mining areas and the mill and slimes dam of the old Mpinge eluvial chromite operation (1970s); also a good example of a butte (isolated hill with steep sides and a flat top similar to

Inyantue Formation paragneisses, and Pb claims near Elbas Mine

Exposures of isoclinally folded Inyantue Formation paragneisses in the Inyantue River, near Elbas Pb Mine. The gneisses were interpreted as metamorphosed argillaceous sediments and greywackes Lockett, 1979a,b). These gneisses are also invaded by tourmaline-bearing muscovite pegmatites. Alongside the dirt track on the far side of the Inyantue River, there are prospecting pits dug for argentiferous galena, which was mined at the Elbas Mine some 2 km away.

Mtshingwe Dyke View

The dominant feature of the view is the distant peak of the uppermost ironstone of the Bend Formation known as Mberengwa. The smaller “false” peak to west is one of the lower ironstones which cap the ultramafic to mafic lava sequence constituting the Bend Formation. The Peak marks the axis of a steeply plunging, NE trending syncline which affects all formations up to the lower parts of the Zeederbergs.


Above the Bend Formation is a locally developed conglomerate and agglomerate of the Koodoovale Formation, which is unconformably succeeded by the upper greenstones.


View of Chikonyora Ridge, Mpinge Section

A road-side stop between Mvurwi and Guruve to view the ridge of Chikonyora hill from the west side.

Note the following:

1.       This stop shows, in the distance, the (several tens of metres) thick, wooded silica cap of the Upper African Surface on the ca. 3km-long Chikonyora ridge with intermittently exposed cliffs of horizontally-fractured serpentinite at a lower elevation. The ridge is terminated at its northern end by the north northeast-trending, dextral Gurungwe fault.

Field Guide:-
