AGM 2018
Submitted by Andrew du Toit on Mon, 12/03/2018 - 10:44
The 2018 AGM was held at 1700 hours on 9th MArch 2018 at The Country Club (CFX) Brompton Road, Highlands, Harare
The following agenda was dicussed:
1. Convening of Meeting
2. Obituaries and Minute of Silence
3. Apologies
4. Minutes of Previous AGM
-Consideration and approval of the minutes
-Matters arising not covered elsewhere in the agenda
5. Chairman’s Statement – Maideyi Lydia Meck
6. Treasurer’s report – Collins Mwatahwa
7. Any Other Business
8. Announcement of the next committee 2018 – 2019 - Steve Duma
9. Dinner at 1900hrs
10. Talk by Guest Speaker; Gayle Hanssen
11. Awards and Presentations
-Phaup Award
-Vinyu Award
-Viewing Award
-Bond Award
Please find copies of the presentations below.