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The Geoffrey Bond Award

The Geoffrey Bond Award is to the Geology Honours student who presents the best project report in the year preceding an Annual General Meeting.  The nomination is made by the Chairman of the Geology Department of the University of Zimbabwe.
(Previously the Macgregor Medal had been awarded by the Geology Department)

1983 - C.G. Carey
"The geology of the area around and to the east of Mushandike Dam"

1984 - C.D.B. Payne
"The geology of the Gairezi sediments of the Umkondo Group in the Nyanga area with special reference to the structure and stratigraphy"

1985 - K.G. Chenjerai
"The geology of an area north of Mazoe Mine"

1986 - C.M. Tsomondo
"The geology of the greenstone-granite terrain between Adzwe Mine and St Joseph's School, Wedza"

1987 - S. Mundondo
"The geology of an area around Muchi River, Magondi Mobile Belt"

1988 - C.T. Mhindu
"Structural controls of gold mineralization and the geology of the Pink Reef Mine"

1989 - D.M. Carr
"The geology of the Freda Mine and mine area, Gwanda Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe.  A metallogenic and emplacement model"        

- F.C. Mujuru
"Geological, geophysical and geochemical investigation of BIF-hosted gold mineralisation  around Lennox Mine, Mashava and the implications for gold exploration in BIF-hosted ore"

1990 - P.M.B.C. Mandoreba
"The geology of the country around Pompeii Mine (SW of Shurugwi)"

1991 - F.T. Nhiwatiwa
"The geology, metamorphism, structure and gold mineralisation in and around Tiger Reef Mine, Kwe Kwe"  

1992 - M. Chivasa
"Geology, metamorphism, structure and sulphide mineralisation potential in and around Shabanie Mine, Zvishavane"  

1993 - M. Makanza
"The geology of an area around Chiswiti, north of Mount Darwin"    
- K. Ruswayi
"The geology of the area around Isabella Mine: structural controls on gold mineralization"

1994 - K. Chisi
"The geology of the Gadzema Schist Belt: Tectonics and structural constraints on gold precipitation"  
- W. Mtisi
"The geology of an area south of Rushinga"

1995 - R.W.A. Tennant
"A structural re-appraisal of the Chimanimani Mountains"        
- J.A. van der Merwe
"A structural re-appraisal of the geology about Dalny Mine, Chakari, with particular reference to gold mineralisation"

1996 - G. Gundani
"Metabasites and the tectonic evolution of the Northern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Belt"

1997 - K. Danda
"The geology, geochemistry and alteration patterns associated with the Maramba base metal (Cu-Pb-Zn) deposit:  implications for volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) exploration"

1998 - B. Mangwiro
"Characterising the source, type of placer accumulation and environmentally sustainable production of gold in the Angwa River, NW Zimbabwe"

1999 - A. Mamuse
"Geological, geochemical and petrogenic features of tantalum pegmatites:  a study of the Benson Mine area (NE Zimbabwe) and implications for tantalum exploration"

2000 - B. Ruzive
"An assessment of the contribution of mine dumps to siltation and environmental pollution by heavy metals in Mutorashanga, northern Great Dyke"

2001 - G. Chinoda
"Stratigraphic and structural relationships around Shabani:  implications on gold mineralisation"

2002 - C. Madamombe
“Platinum grade control and the effects of faults and rolls on mining at Ngezi Platinum Mine”

2003 - Not Announced      

2004 - W. Moyce
“Groundwater chemistry around Granville Cemetery, Harare”
- N. Tunhuma
“The Magnesium Problem: re-analysis of the geology and mineralisation of Trojan Nickel Mine, Bindura”

2005 - No Award Made

2006 - I.T. Nyamukondiwa
“Geological mapping of the Great Dyke of Zimbabwe from Darwendale to Impinge – North Dyke: (with emphasis on seam characterization and the occurrence of blank zones)”

2007 - Award deferred to 2008

2008 - C. Maramba
“The geology and gold mineralization relationships between Shamva Danton claims and Shamva Mine; could Danton be an extension of Shamva Mine orebody?”
2009 - No Award Made
2010 - No Award Made
2011 - No Award Made
2012 - No Award Made
2013 - No Award Made

2014 - No Award Made